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Kodak and the Invention of Popular Photography

In 1888, the Eastman Kodak Company rolled out a new camera and a new slogan. “You press the button, we do the rest.” To say this moment revolutionized photography would be an understatement. But this story isn’t just about Kodak. It’s about what happens when a powerful technology, originally only understood by a select few, can suddenly fit in your hand.

And then, fast-forwarding to the 90s and 00s, Kodak gradually, then suddenly, missed a similar shift that further democratized photography: the move to digital.

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Kodak’s secret nuclear reactor

Up until 2007, Kodak operated a small nuclear reactor that contained 3.5 pounds of weapons-grade highly enriched uranium.

The Democrat and Chronicle learned of the facility when an employee happened to mention it to a reporter a few months ago.

The recent silence was by design. Detailed information about nuclear power plants and other entities with radioactive material has been restricted since the 2001 terrorist attacks.

Nuclear non-proliferation experts express surprise that an industrial manufacturer like Eastman Kodak had had weapons-grade uranium, especially in a post-9/11 world.

“I’ve never heard of it at Kodak,” said Miles Pomper, senior research associate at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Washington. “It’s such an odd situation because private companies just don’t have this material.”

(via @kdawson)

Color film footage from 1922

From a test of Kodak’s Kodachrome film:

(via clusterflock)

Beautiful Art Deco camera

This handsome fellow is the Kodak Bantam Special, a limited-edition camera from 1936.

Kodak Bantam Special

Manufactured by Kodak, designed by Teague. (via monoscope)

Kodak has a pretty good corporate weblog

Kodak has a pretty good corporate weblog called A Thousand Words where employees share their photos and discuss photography.

Kodak has themselves a new logo and

Kodak has themselves a new logo and gosh it looks plain and boring and undistinctive. Who are the folks convincing companies like Intel and Kodak that these logo/brand overhauls are going to revitalize their companies? Revitalization is a hard business…a new coat of paint isn’t going to cut it.

Update: More on Kodak’s new logo at Speak Up.

Gallery of turn-of-the-century postcards from when Kodak

Gallery of turn-of-the-century postcards from when Kodak enabled people to make postcards from any photo they took. From a new book called Real Photo Postcards.

Story of how Kodak developed the first

Story of how Kodak developed the first digital camera in 1975 and then sat on the technology for years and years until they finally entered the market and, luckily for them, were able to grab the top stop from Sony and Canon.

A contemporary photo taken with a circa-1914

A contemporary photo taken with a circa-1914 Kodak. For some reason I always thought old photos looked old because they were old. But really it’s mostly the camera’s doing.