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First trailer for Tarantino’s Django Unchained

It’s a Western film about bounty hunting starring Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Christoph Waltz.

The Impostor

The Nicholas Barclay/Frédéric Bourdin case, which David Grann covered in a 2008 article for the New Yorker, has now inspired a documentary film coming out in July.

As I wrote about Grann’s piece:

At some point, Bourdin’s story gets intertwined with that of Nicholas Barclay, a teen who went missing in Texas in 1994. After that, the story proceeds like the craziest episode of Law and Order you’ve ever seen.

(via @aaroncoleman0)

Movie with Bill Murray as FDR?!

Saw this trailer in front of Moonrise Kingdom last night…Bill Murray plays Franklin Roosevelt in an upcoming movie called Hyde Park on Hudson.

I’m interested in seeing it, but Hyde Park on Hudson is a terrible name.

Teaser trailer for P.T. Anderson’s The Master

The teaser trailer for P.T. Anderson’s next film, The Master. Anderson himself cut the trailer — why don’t more director/editors do this?

Written and directed by Academy Award nominee Paul Thomas Anderson (the acclaimed director of, There Will Be Blood, Magnolia and Boogie Nights), this story stars Academy Award winner Philip Seymour Hoffman (Capote) and Academy Award-nominee Joaquin Phoenix (Walk the Line). Set in America in the years following World War II, a charismatic intellectual (Hoffman) launches a faith-based organization and taps a young drifter (Phoenix) as his right-hand man. But as the faith begins to gain a fervent following, the onetime vagabond finds himself questioning the belief system he has embraced, and his mentor. A truly one-of-a-kind drama, which promises magnetic virtuoso performances, the film marks the fifth collaboration between Anderson and Hoffman, following Hard Eight, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, and Punch Drunk Love.

As good as this looks, I’m a wee bit disappointed that this isn’t a PT Anderson-directed documentary style film about Doctor Who’s nemesis. Wouldn’t that be something? (via cigarettes & red vines)

Moonrise Kingdom trailer

We interrupt this internet to bring you the very first trailer for Wes Anderson’s new movie, Moonrise Kingdom.

Set on an island off the coast of New England in the summer of 1965, MOONRISE KINGDOM tells the story of two twelve-year-olds who fall in love, make a secret pact, and run away together into the wilderness. As various authorities try to hunt them down, a violent storm is brewing off-shore — and the peaceful island community is turned upside down in more ways than anyone can handle.

It’s Wes Andersonmas, y’all!

First trailer for The Hobbit

Apple’s got the exclusive first trailer for The Hobbit. I am irrationally excited about this movie!

Update: And here’s a YouTube embed…I’m sure this won’t last too long though.

(thx, david)

Girl Walk // All Day NYC premiere

Girl Walk // All Day is a feature-length dance music video set in NYC…the soundtrack is Girl Talk’s All Day. Kickstarter is hosting a premiere for the film (+ dance party) on December 8 at the Brooklyn Masonic Temple…and it’s free (you just need to RSVP). Here’s the trailer:

The Fantastic and Inglourious Mr. Fox

A trailer for Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr. Fox using dialogue from Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds.

(via biancolo)

New Werner Herzog film on the death penalty

It’s called Into the Abyss and it opens today. Trailer is here:

There’s an interview with Herzog about the film on the Tribeca Film Festival site and Ebert gave it four stars.

Charles and Ray Eames documentary

Eames: The Architect and the Painter, a documentary on the husband and wife design duo, will be out in theaters in mid-November.

The husband-and-wife team of Charles and Ray Eames are widely regarded as America’s most important designers. Perhaps best remembered for their mid-century plywood and fiberglass furniture, the Eames Office also created a mind-bending variety of other products, from splints for wounded military during World War II, to photography, interiors, multi-media exhibits, graphics, games, films and toys. But their personal lives and influence on significant events in American life — from the development of modernism, to the rise of the computer age — has been less widely understood. Narrated by James Franco, Eames: The Architect and the Painter is the first film dedicated to these creative geniuses and their work.

The DVD is already available for pre-order on Amazon. (via @aaroncoleman0)

The Secret World of Arrietty

The Secret World of Arrietty, the latest film from Studio Ghibli (Ponyo, Princess Mononoke, Howl’s Moving Castle), came out in Japan last year and will be in US theaters in February 2012. Here’s the English trailer:

The screenplay was adapted from Mary Norton’s The Borrowers. (thx, david)

Kids movie from Martin Scorsese?

Apparently so. It’s called Hugo:

I was going to make a joke about how this is Scorsese’s first movie without Leonardo DiCaprio in like 20 years, but it’s actually his first DiCaprio-free film in 12 years. (via stellar)

Being Elmo trailer

Being Elmo is a documentary about the puppeteer who performs Sesame Street’s Elmo. It looks fantastic.

(via unlikely words)

In Time trailer

Here’s a four-minute teaser trailer for In Time, a sci-fi action thriller directed by Andrew Niccol (Gattaca) and starring Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried.

In the late 21st century, time has replaced money as the unit of currency. At 25 years old, aging stops and each person is given one more year to live. Unless you replenish your clock, you die.

Nice to see someone taking the attention economy literally. (thx, david)

El Bulli documentary

A documentary about El Bulli offers “a rare inside look at some of the world’s most innovative and exciting cooking”.

(thx, aaron)

Moneyball movie trailer

Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill…I’m not so sure about this…

Planes, a “sequel” to Pixar’s Cars

Pixar’s not involved — DisneyToon Studios is making it — but a direct-to-video Cars spin-off that features airplanes will go direct-to-video in spring 2013.

This movie is mostly a commercial for the inevitable billion-dollar toy/theme park tie-ins, but in general I am in favor of any kids movie that features White Zombie in the trailer. (via devour)

ps #1: This is probably going to get yanked from YT pretty quick. Sorry.

ps #2: My 3-yo son calls the main character in Cars “Lightening the Queen”. That would be an interesting movie.

Trailer for Tabloid, Errol Morris’ new film

It’s a documentary about Joyce McKinney and the so-called Mormon sex in chains case.

Here it is on Apple Trailers in case the YouTube one gets yanked.

Trailer for Fincher’s The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Larsson? Fincher? Reznor? Rooney Mara’s brief NSFW nipple flash? What’s not to like?

I was skeptical about this (and The Social Network) but lesson learned: never doubt David Fincher.

Tintin trailer

Produced by Peter Jackson and directed by Steven Spielberg, it looks like an all-CGI adventure. I got sort of a Polar Express vibe from the trailer though, which is not encouraging.

(via ★fchimero)

Full trailer for Hangover 2

Who knows if this is even going to be any good…I’m just posting this to annoy David again.

The Hangover 2 trailer

1950s version of The Empire Strikes Back

Ivan Guerrero remakes recent-ish movie trailers using footage from old movies…for instance, imagine if The Empire Strikes Back came out in 1950:

Guerrero has done several others, including Ghostbusters (1954), Up (1965), and Raiders of the Lost Ark (1951). (via @themexican)


Here’s the trailer for Strongman, a documentary about the “The Strongest Man in the World at Bending Steel and Metal”:

The film will be playing in NYC at the IFC Center for one week starting on Jan 26th.

Cedar Rapids, the movie

Hey everyone I went to college with, they made a movie about the town we went to college in! I don’t remember it being this much fun.

This is Cedar Rapids’ biggest movie break since Titanic!

The Tree of Life trailer

Finally, a trailer for Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life:

A movie about Linotype

Here’s a teaser trailer:

From the film’s website:

Linotype: The Film is a feature-length documentary film centered around the Linotype typecasting machine invented by Ottmar Mergenthaler. Called the “Eighth Wonder of the World” by Thomas Edison, the Linotype revolutionized printing and society, but very few people know about the inventor or his fascinating machine.

The Linotype completely transformed the communication of information similarly to how the internet is now changing it all again. Although these machines were revolutionary, technology began to supersede the Linotype and they were scrapped and melted-down by the thousands. Today, very few machines are still in existence.

(via df)

True Grit by the Coen brothers

Coming this Christmas from the Coen brothers, a remake of the John Wayne classic, True Grit. Here’s the trailer:

(via devour)

Black Swan trailer

The first trailer for Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan is out. Natalie Portman plays an out-of-control ballerina.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: first full trailer

Also available here if the YT trailer gets yanked.