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In light of the Mitchell Report, Yanksfan

In light of the Mitchell Report, Yanksfan vs Soxfan has proposed a record book annotation system so that sports fans can tell which records were set under the influence of which substances. The asterisk is for straight-up steroids and some of the other marks are as follows:

! = Amphetamines
$ = Gambling
|| = Cocaine
~ = Alcohol
. = Dead ball era
โˆž = Wore glasses
โ€  = Crazy religious freak
X = General douchebag

The current state of pigeon racing in

The current state of pigeon racing in NYC.

New York’s pigeon clubs, loosely organized by geography and custom, are a cross between an urban sportsman’s lodge and a time capsule of immigrant, working-class New York. Even as recently as a generation back, fleets of racing pigeons swirled above New York like pulsing gray clouds, but the numbers of racers and birds have thinned, with not enough new fliers to replace the old.

A list of the leaked names from

A list of the leaked names from the Mitchell Report of MLB players that allegedly used steroids. The official Mitchell Report is here…many of the names on the preliminary list are missing. Any surprises here? Disappointments?

Update: Deadspin has the official list.

Seeking Patriots game in NYC

The NFL, in their infinitesimal wisdom and utilizing their stupid scheduling/blackout policy, has ensured that the best game of the weekend (Steelers vs. Patriots) will not be shown on TV in the New York City area. We get the hapless Jets instead…a team that not even Jets fans care about at this point in their 3-9 season. Our cable provider doesn’t carry any NFL stations and we don’t really want to trek out to a sports bar with the kiddo. Are there any other options? An illicit online broadcast? Anything?

Update: We ended up watching the game online โ€” poor quality, dropped frames, and all. Better than braving the rain and sports bar. (thx to everyone who wrote in, especially kunal)

Michael Lewis on the unique role that

Michael Lewis on the unique role that kickers occupy in professional sports.

There is still some faint resistance to the notion that a kicker could ever really do anything great. Brett Favre can throw 10 more game-ending interceptions and fans will still cherish his moments of glory. Reggie Bush may fumble away a championship and still end up being known for the best things he ever does. Even offensive linemen whose names no one remembers are permitted to end their days basking in the reflected glory of having been on the field. Kickers alone are required to make their own cases.

Maybe soccer goalies can identify with NFL kickers?

Meg, these infographics will help our understanding

Meg, these infographics will help our understanding of all the different baseball pitches come next season.

A good but not great profile of

A good but not great profile of Steve Nash in Play, the NY Times’ occasional sports magazine.

My first and second years in the N.B.A., I used to get really nervous in a tight game. But now I wait for that moment when things are really close โ€” that’s what I really love. Having the ball in my hands and the responsibility makes me feel calm and open. Not to have that, not to get to that point in a game, would feel really…really confining.

I also liked how he involved not-so-good players on his college team:

If he had a guy on the right wing in transition who he knew couldn’t shoot the ball, he’d throw a pass that was just good enough to include the guy in the fast break, but just bad enough that the guy wasn’t in a position to get off a shot and would have to pass the ball back.

If anyone steals a base during the

If anyone steals a base during the World Series, Taco Bell is going to give everyone in the US a free taco. They did something similar last year and the terms and conditions of the offer were pretty amusing.

Yanksfan vs Soxfan mines the NY Times

Yanksfan vs Soxfan mines the NY Times archive and turns up a 1914 article that mentions a youngster named Babe Ruth:

“Babe” Ruth, a youngster, opposed the Giants, who made nine hits off him. Four double plays, all started by Claude Derrick, who handled twelve outs of the thirteen chances, kept the Giants from scoring more runs.

YvS and Soccer Dad also found a series that the Times did on another youngster, Manny Ramirez, back when Manny being Manny meant hitting .650 in his senior year in high school.

The Boston Red Sox’s designated hitter, David

The Boston Red Sox’s designated hitter, David Ortiz, makes extensive use of video replays during games. He reviews at-bats right after they happen and can watch every pitch he’s ever seen from the pitcher that he’s facing, on demand. (via collision detection)

I’m no Yankees fan, but I got

I’m no Yankees fan, but I got a little sad reading this article about Joe Torre’s possible departure from the team after 12 years. It seems like the individual leader gets too much credit for successes and is assigned too much blame for failures these days. Surely the team’s poor hitting and pitching was a big contributing factor that Torre couldn’t do much about?

(Last night’s game was great, BTW. The way those fans almost willed the Yankees back into the game while Cleveland held fast was fascinating to watch.)

Parkour in New York

As part of this weekend’s New Yorker Festival, a parkour demonstration was held at Javits Plaza. Before the demonstration, Alex Wilkinson talked with David Belle, the inventor of parkour and the subject of Wilkinson’s NYer article about parkour from April. In the interview and the Q&A that followed the demonstration, Belle explained that parkour is not about competition or showing off or being reckless. It’s a test of self, of control, of deliberate practice. The journey is the point, not the sometimes spectacular results.

The demonstration consisted of a group of about 20-30 parkour practitioners, beginners and experts alike from all over the country. It seemed as though they included anyone with parkour experience who showed up and wanted to participate, and instead of a highly polished display of high skill (which is what I think the audience might have been expecting), we were treated to a more authenic look at the sport. The first five minutes were taken up with calisthenics and stretching in preparation of the jumps and vaults to come. After warming up properly, they began running through the course, each participant picking his way through the course according to desire and ability.

Experimentation was the rule of the day, not performance. With each pass, you could see the group learning the particulars of the course, where the good holds were, finding smoother combinations, and, much of the time, trying and failing. And then trying again until they got it. There was a single woman participant, one of several beginners in the group. When she had some trouble with an obstacle, Belle and his “lieutenant” stopped to show her some moves, a moment that revealed more about parkour than Belle’s jump across a ten-foot gap twenty feet off the ground. Belle himself didn’t do too much during the performance โ€” a couple of high jumps โ€” and had to be coaxed during the Q&A to perform one last big move for the audience. He shrugged off the applause and attention as he back-flipped down to the concrete, knowing that the true parkour had taken place earlier.

Conservation of concentration

I love the idea of conservation of concentration conveyed in this piece about Roger Federer, that we’ve got only so much intense focus to go around and successful athletes like Federer are really good at saving it up for the big moments.

A couple of times during press conferences, I noticed something kind of interesting about Roger Federer. I’ll get to it in a minute, but let me describe the scene first. Players enter Interview Room One, where all of the Rajah’s pressers take place, at the corner diagonally opposite from where the players enter. The players come in and turn right, to take their seat behind the microphone on the little dais or stage. Most players look to their left as they enter, just gauging the room and who is in it and how full it is. Federer, though, always keeps his head down and eyes averted, until he sits and begins to answer questions, when he makes direct eye contact with each questioner.

Anyway, a couple of times during his press conferences, someone’s cell phone went off, each time with an annoyingly loud ring tone. Both times, everyone turned, first to locate and then to glare at the culprit: have you no shame? And both times, I noticed, Roger kept his eyes locked on his interlocutor, never glancing in the direction of the phone. I’m sure he was conscious, on one level, that there was an interruption occurring, but he had decided to ignore it. Not even a darting of the eyes towards the irritant. Both coming in the room with his head down and refusing to allow himself to be distracted or interrupted seemed to convey the same thing: he chooses to focus selectively, and focuses intensely once he does.

It was difficult to keep the quoting down to those two paragraphs…just go read the whole thing. (And of course, this ties into my continuing fascination with relaxed concentration and the battle with the self as the true struggle in life.)

Mesmerizing video of basketball dribbling drills (with

Mesmerizing video of basketball dribbling drills (with two balls at a time). Be sure to keep the volume on…the sound of 12 basketballs intensely bouncing is an odd one. (via truehoop)

Great set of infographics that illustrate the

Great set of infographics that illustrate the differences between grass, clay, and hardcourt surfaces in tennis, particularly with regard to how the ball bounces on each.

Watch the baseball bat on the replay…

Watch the baseball bat on the replay…it does some crazy stuff.

The top 100 greatest beatdowns in history, most

The top 100 greatest beatdowns in history, most of them related to sports. #1 is Secretariat’s 31-length victory at Belmont, the footage of which is well worth a look if you haven’t seen it. That horse so totally pours it on down the stretch that it gives me goosebumps every time I watch it. (thx, david)

Novak Djokovic lost the US Open final

Novak Djokovic lost the US Open final to Roger Federer last night but the 20-yo Serb clearly left his โ€” how do I put this? โ€” impression on the tournament. Here’s some video of Djokovic impersonating Maria Sharapova and Rafael Nadal at the US Open. He does several other players as well, including a fine Andy Roddick.

Update: In case you’re unfamiliar with the mannerisms of the players mentioned above, here’s video of Roddick, Sharapova, and Nadal. (thx, flip)

A must-see for football fans: NFL TV

A must-see for football fans: NFL TV distribution maps. Check out what football games will be on in which parts of the country.

Stats (wins, losses, probability of making the

Stats (wins, losses, probability of making the playoffs, etc.) from the rest of the MLB baseball season, played a million times. “The post-season odds report was compiled by running a Monte Carlo simulation of the rest of the season one million times.” (thx, david)

Before the 2007 season started, mathematician Bruce Bukiet’s

Before the 2007 season started, mathematician Bruce Bukiet’s mathematical model predicted the NY Yankees would win 110 games this year…they might win 90 based on their current pace. Related: check out how the team salary vs. performance graph is shaping up as we move into the last few weeks of the 2007 season.

Some Infinite Jest fashion notes: an Enfield

Some Infinite Jest fashion notes: an Enfield Tennis Academy tshirt from Neighborhoodies and…

Was the designer of Infinite Jest’s book cover influenced by the color palette of the Nikes that Andre Agassi wore in 1991? Compelling visual evidence is available at lonelysandwich.

This is interesting. The PGA offers a

This is interesting. The PGA offers a non-traditional pension plan for their players that depends on how they perform throughout their careers. Tiger Woods, who performs quite well, could be eligible for almost $1 billion for his retirement if he keeps playing and winning. Billion. Wow.

In critical situations in matches, female tennis

In critical situations in matches, female tennis players play more conservatively, commit more unforced errors, and serve slower than male tennis players do in the same situations. “While men’s performance does not vary much depending on the importance of the point, women’s performance deteriorates significantly as points become more important.” (via mr)

Amateur runners, cyclists, and triathletes are starting

Amateur runners, cyclists, and triathletes are starting to choose to compete in lesser-known smaller races in order to have a better chance of placing higher in the results. “Some are trying to gain an edge by finding where the fast racers aren’t. Instead of training harder, they’re spending hours online to scout out the field, and they’re driving hundreds of miles to race against thin competition in out-of-the-way places.”

As a 14-yo, Donald Young seemed like

As a 14-yo, Donald Young seemed like a can’t-miss tennis prospect. Now, nearly 18, he hasn’t missed but he hasn’t exactly lived up to all the promise either.

Lessons learned at an experimental basketball game

Lessons learned at an experimental basketball game where the rims were 11 feet high. “Perhaps the biggest impact was on the interior players. No longer could centers like Billbe catch the ball on the low block, turn and simply extend their arms and lay the ball over the rim.” (via clusterflock)

The rules of unicycle quidditch and juggling quidditch.

The rules of unicycle quidditch and juggling quidditch.

The Philadelphia Phillies have lost more games

The Philadelphia Phillies have lost more games than any other team in professional sports, almost 10,000.

F1 driver Heikki Kovalainen tells us what

F1 driver Heikki Kovalainen tells us what he goes through during a typical race. “The actual driving, keeping the car on the road, is all natural, all automatic โ€” what I’m thinking about is where to make time.” (thx, ajit)