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πŸ”  πŸ’€  πŸ“Έ  😭  πŸ•³οΈ  🀠  🎬  πŸ₯” posts about how to

Advice from Dr. Michio Kaku on formulating

Advice from Dr. Michio Kaku on formulating a proposal for the Unified Field Theory. I can just imagine all the crackpot theories that prompted this list.

Elevator hack: hit “door close” and your

Elevator hack: hit “door close” and your floor at the same time and it takes you right to that floor, express-style.

Scott Berkun on how to learn from your mistakes

Scott Berkun on how to learn from your mistakes. “We’re taught in school, in our families, or at work to feel guilty about failure and to do whatever we can to avoid mistakes.”

“So You Want to Write a Book?”

“So You Want to Write a Book?”. O’Reilly Media’s guide for new authors.

To read: How to writ more clearly

To read: How to writ more clearly think moor clearly and learn complex stuff more easier and stuff. Yeah need that.

How to be more charismatic

How to be more charismatic. “Don’t despair if you haven’t got these qualities because you can learn them. Professor Wiseman estimates charisma is 50% innate and 50% trained.”

How to open a bottle of wine

How to open a bottle of wine when you don’t have a corkscrew.

How Danny Gregory makes those nifty watercolors

How Danny Gregory makes those nifty watercolors that illustrate The Morning News. “Roz, the color theory teacher, warned against it, but I laid down a blue underpainting!”

How to take the sting out of a sunburn

How to take the sting out of a sunburn. By taking a hot shower?

How to use your cell phone anywhere in the world

How to use your cell phone anywhere in the world. Get a GSM phone, pay through the nose for roaming, or unlock your phone and use local pay-as-you-go SIM cards wherever you are.

Matt Haughey on how to enjoy audiobooks

Matt Haughey on how to enjoy audiobooks.

A blueprint for the writing process: “Sniff.

A blueprint for the writing process: “Sniff. Explore. Collect. Focus. Select. Order. Draft. Revise.”.

How to become an early riser

How to become an early riser. “The solution was to go to bed when I’m sleepy (and only when I’m sleepy) and get up with an alarm clock at a fixed time (7 days per week).”

Some great tips on grilling

Some great tips on grilling. “And if you think this takes a lot of time and concentration, you’re right. There’s time enough for socializing later. Do you want to grill an excellent steak or not? Okay, then. Concentrate.”

Twelve ways to think differently

Twelve ways to think differently. “Twelve methods that will exercise parts of your brain that rarely get it, and make you more creative and better able to understand the world.”

Learn how to dance like Napoleon Dynamite

Learn how to dance like Napoleon Dynamite.

A guide on how to speak gangsta

A guide on how to speak gangsta. “I give yous props for dat phat ride man” means “I give you thanks for the good ride my friend”. And don’t miss the step-by-step instructions for high fiving someone.

On ruts and how to get out of them

On ruts and how to get out of them.

Stephen King’s Everything You Need to Know

Stephen King’s Everything You Need to Know About Writing Successfully - in Ten Minutes.

How to identify a fake Rolex

How to identify a fake Rolex.