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Trailer for The White Lotus Season Three

A teaser trailer for the third season of The White Lotus is out and the release date has been revealed: February 16, 2025. Parker Posey? Walton Goggins? Yes, please. But I’ve got a love/hate relationship with this show (I couldn’t get through the first season but thought the second season was great), so I’m feeling cautiously optimistic.

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Rachel Anderson

"Someone stole my lorazepam. I'm gonna have to drink myself to sleep." Ha! That is a middle-aged script writer speaking from experience.

Ryan Miller

Who am I to say... but give that first season a try again. Oh man, it was absolutely amazing, so smart, so funny - I say better than the second for sure.

I am soooo excited for season 3.

Peter Benjamin

And Carrie Coon! Can't wait...

Shawn Inman

That's so interesting about not liking S1. I liked it quite a bit more than S2. Either way, such a fun show

Jeremy Witteveen

Parker Posey!

Jeremy Witteveen

Shoot. At first glance I thought Leslie Bibb was Leslie Mann. I'm looking forward to this!

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