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Ken Burns’ Documentary on Leonardo da Vinci

Now airing on PBS and streaming on their website, a new four-hour documentary film about Leonardo da Vinci directed by Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, and David McMahon.

A 15th century polymath of soaring imagination and profound intellect, Leonardo da Vinci created some of the most revered works of art of all time, but his artistic endeavors often seemed peripheral to his pursuits in science and engineering. Through his paintings and thousands of pages of drawings and writings, Leonardo da Vinci explores one of humankind’s most curious and innovative minds.

The trailer for the series is above and there are several extended clips available on the website and on YouTube.

Comments  1

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Jeff Lorenzini

I watched all 4 hours and it was waaaay too long. Could have been one hour. It turns out he didn't finish a whole lot of paintings, so you get four hours of, "he was inspired by nature" and endless shots of sketches in his notebooks. Very boring and not at all worth it. Go watch four hours of any of his other documentaries instead, but this one sucks. I was more interested in the three minutes of Michelangelo material they mentioned than in the other four hours of Leonardo. Plus, they don't get to the Mona Lisa until like five minutes before it's over, and it's barely mentioned.

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