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This music piracy business

A study from the BI Norwegian School of Management has found online music bootleggers are much more likely to pay for music online than those who don’t steal music.

The Norwegian study looked at almost 2,000 online music users, all over the age of 15. Researchers found that those who downloaded “free” music — whether from lawful or seedy sources — were also 10 times more likely to pay for music. This would make music pirates the industry’s largest audience for digital sales.

Not surprising that some people are so crazy for music that they’ll *pay* for it. Crazy!

Update: Rebecca Blood thinks this article is crappity crap crap and points to a better take at Ars Technica.

The show must go on

After bad flying weather delayed the orchestra and kept the vocal soloist from arriving altogether for an event at Carnegie Hall, most of the musicians played in street clothes and — after some furious backstage cramming — the orchestra’s conductor, David Robertson, performed the challenging vocal piece in his debut as a singer.

Mr. Gruber intended for the texts to be delivered in a kind of speech-song, complete with nasal squawks and patter. You do not need a proper singing voice to perform the part, but you do have to be uninhibited. Mr. Robertson’s performance was a tour de force of uninhibition.

(via clusterflock)

Understanding emotions in music

When western music was played to members of the Mafa people from Cameroon who have never been exposed to western music, movies, or art, they were able to recognize the emotions conveyed by the music, even though the Mafa don’t associate emotions with their own music.

Update: Radiolab did a thing on the universal appeal of country music. (thx, jason)

Banned album covers

Thirty controversial album covers. I had forgotten about Nirvana’s “Waif Me”! A bit NSFW. (via design observer)

More than one in a row

The A.V. Club picks 25 albums that work best when listened to from start to finish. +1 for In The Aeroplane Over The Sea. I tend to listen to albums more than individual songs…Sigur Ros or Boards of Canada doesn’t make any sense on shuffle.

Some old music and some new

I am really enjoying the new Röyksopp album and the remastered Ten by Pearl Jam. I got turned on to the remastered Pearl Jam by Acts of Volition:

The original producer, Brendan O’Brien, remixed and remastered the tracks and the result is remarkable. It sounds like it was recorded yesterday, instead of on the muddy banks of 1990s grunge. […] The remixes confirm what I’ve always thought about Pearl Jam. The label of “grunge” described a new variation of modern (at the time) rock music. Nirvana was grunge, Soundgarden was grunge. Pearl Jam was always just plain old Rock ‘n Roll®.

Oh, and the new album by the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs isn’t too bad either.

Frank Black’s process

In a 1989 interview for Dutch television, Pixies frontman Frank Black talks about his songwriting process as creating a “poetic structure” with the melody and letting the lyrics flow from there. The Dutch graphic design studio Experimental Jetset took inspiration from Black’s approach.

When we get an assignment (which usually comes in the form of a question, a theme, a problem or a riddle), we feel as if the solution is already enclosed in the assignment itself. The design is already there; it just has to be released. Like the fist from Frank Black’s shirt.

Free Cage

The first movement of John Cage’s 4’33” is free on iTunes today. For the uninitiated, that’s one minute and forty-five seconds of silence. For free.

Sssh. I’m listening.

thx, liam m.

“Thank You, Vocoder”

“Vocoders are an instantly recognizable synthesizer sound, having been used in popular music since the 1960s. They allow you to ‘talk like a robot’, which while fun, is often not musically useful.”

This from “Introduction to Vocoders,” proves the point that the vocoder does not, in fact, turn a song into music. The voice analyzer/synthesizer system that was originally developed in the 1930s to facilitate early telephony has now become a seemingly inescapable accessory to popular music.

Rapper Ice Cube also awkwardly reflected on the negative effects of vocoders on rap:

“Records sales really not concerned to me as much as doing it my way. And doing the kind of records I want to do. Without some A&R dude trying to tell me to go find T-Pain and get you a voice box. Ya know, all this stupid stuff that they do that mess up a lot of records, mess up a lot of artists.”

This clip of T-Pain v. His Vocoder is the audio equipment equivalent of Stephen King’s Christine, and it certainly backs up Mr. Cube’s claim.

Update: Turns out that the actual device Mr. Pain uses to alter his voice box is referred to as an Auto-Tune, and it’s the weapon of choice for Cher, Kanye, and T-Pain, who seems just as oblivious as this author was. The two machines are entirely different.

Thx jason freeman

8-bit hip hop

Rap and hip hop tunes played with sounds from 8-bit Nintendo games. Ocarina of Rhyme is a similar effort with a better name but not as good, IMO.

Licence to Ill, $1.99

You’ve had 22 years to get this album, but just in case you haven’t, The Beastie Boys’ License to Ill is available in mp3 format on Amazon for only $1.99. Today only.

YouTube, remixed

Thru You is a site that showcases remixed YouTube videos…the singing from one video combined with the drums from another and the piano from a third and so on. I was skeptical but these are really well done. Do I even need to say that this reminds me of Christian Marclay’s Video Quartet? (via sfj)

U2’s newest: $3.99

Today only: U2’s new album in mp3 format on sale for $3.99.

Alexis Phifer

I now know who to thank for Kanye West’s wondrous 808s and Heartbreak: his ex-fiancee Alexis Phifer. She’s gotta be the Robocop, right? No short-term romance stings that bad.

Happy Up Here

Royksopp just pushed out the video for Happy Up Here, the first single from their forthcoming album, Junior.

Somewhat related: did you know that Amazon sells vinyl? I had no idea.

Truly limited edition music

Drummer Josh Freese is releasing his second solo album in eleven different limited-edition packages. The $75,000 option includes:

-Go on tour with Josh for a few days.
-Have Josh write, record and release a 5 song EP about you and your life story.
-Take home any of his drumsets (only one but you can choose which one.)
-Take shrooms and cruise Hollywood in Danny from TOOL’s Lamborgini OR play quarters and then hop on the Ouija board for a while.
-Josh will join your band for a month…play shows, record, party with groupies, etc….
-If you don’t have a band he’ll be your personal assistant for a month (4 day work weeks, 10 am to 4 pm)
-Take a limo down to Tijuana and he’ll show you how it’s done (what that means exactly we can’t legally get into here)
-If you don’t live in Southern California (but are a US resident) he’ll come to you and be your personal assistant/cabana boy for 2 weeks.

Oh yeah, and the music on CD or via download. (thx, ainsley)

Update: Jeff Stern comments (the link is mine):

instead of 1,000 true fans, 1 wealthy fan

Lo Heads

Rapper/producer 88-Keys is a Lo Head, an obsessive collector and wearer of Ralph Lauren Polo clothing and accessories. He’s been wearing nothing but Polo every single day since 1993. This interview with rapper and Lo Head Rack-Lo functions as a sort of Lo Head manifesto.

A lot of street dudes have paved the way and paid a hefty price for all of you to even be able to rock Lo and all those other name brands as well. Other names like North Face, Benetton, Gucci, Spyder, Gortex, Louis Vutton and the list goes on - Lo-Life’s did it all first. So let me school ya’ll for a second. This Lo movement officially started in 1988. And even before 1988, the movement was in development. Have ya’ll ever heard of Ralphies Kids or USA (United Shoplifters Association), that’s the foundation right there. Those are basically the two crews that Rack-Lo united as Lo-Life’s to form voltron on the Hip Hop world. And a lot of you dudes probably weren’t even born then. So what the fuck are you really saying? So I’m just making it clear that if your going to rep that Lo shit and be apart of a fashion institution there’s a certain way to do it. Word, it rules and laws to this shit. This aint no fly by night shit where u wake up one morning and decide to rock Lo like Kayne West did. That shit there is a fairy tale a lot of heads are living.

Kanye defended his status as a Lo Head in the song Barry Bonds from his Graduation album.

Daft Punk’s greatest hits

Amazon’s mp3 deal of the day: Daft Punk’s greatest hits album for $1.99, today only.

Eminem is having a Relapse

Just what has Eminem been doing for the past three years? According to this profile of the now-reclusive artist: recording.

As a result - and this is critical when considering the potential impact of Relapse — Eminem’s so-called “missing years” have actually been surprisingly productive. “He’s never stopped recording. Ever,” adds Simaan. “I hear they’ve got over 300 songs in the can from what he’s produced in the last three years. I’ve seen him write. He’s a fast worker. He’ll write one line, then three lines, then four lines, in all separate parts of the page. Then he’ll come back to it, and say this is a sweet line, or that’s working for him, and just pull everything together almost instantly. The guy’s a total genius.”

His new album, Relapse, is due out sometime in the next month or two.

New stuff from Royksopp

New album called Junior from Royksopp due in late March.

We have a certain schizophrenia — we want to make both energetic and really quiet music.

That’s exactly what I like about them. The group also mentions that they’ll release an album called Senior near the end of 2009.

The Beatles’ last concert

Video of The Beatles’ last public performance in three parts: one, two, three. They performed on top of the group’s own building with an audience situated on rooftops and down on the street. (via the year in pictures)

Music from stock charts

Johannes Kreidler took the data from recent stock charts, fed it to Microsoft Songsmith, and produced melancholy tunes. It’s like the Visualizer in iTunes, only backwards. Ben Fry says of the project:

My opinion of Songsmith is shifting — while it’s generally presented as a laughingstock, catastrophic failure, or if nothing else, a complete embarrassment (especially for its developers slash infomercial actors), it’s really caught the imagination of a lot of people who are creating new things, even if all of them subvert the original intent of the project. (Where the original intent was to… create a tool that would help write a jingle for glow in the dark towels?)

Christgau’s grades

When evaluating records, music critic Robert Christgau used grades ranging from A+ to E-.

An A+ record is an organically conceived masterpiece that repays prolonged listening with new excitement and insight. It is unlikely to be marred by more than one merely ordinary cut.


An E- record is an organically conceived masterpiece that repays repeated listening with a sense of horror in the face of the void. It is unlikely to be marred by one listenable cut.

(via 43f)

Free music on Amazon

Amazon has hundreds of free mp3s available for download, including tracks by Brian Eno & David Byrne, Ani Difranco, and Reverend Horton Heat. (via the millions)

Beatles songs ranked

A list like this could spark endless debate: a ranking of all the songs by The Beatles, from #185 (Revolution 9) to #1 (A Day In The Life).

To novice Beatles fans, I warn you not to believe the hype about “Revolution 9.” I’ve listened to it many times over the years, waiting for the light in my head to switch on so I could unlock its mysteries. All I’ve ever gotten out of it is the vague feeling that immediately after listening to it, something is going to rise out from under my bed and butcher me in my sleep.

Each choice is extensively annotated and defended; start here if you want to work your way through them all.

World of Goo soundtrack

The folks behind the awesome World of Goo game have released an unofficial official soundtrack from the game. (via waxy)

Bernstein conducts Shostakovich with YouTube vocals

Leonard Bernstein conducts Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 5 while comments from YouTube commenters are read. (via the rest is noise)

Malt joy and ginger despair

For whatever reason, Bono writing a series of op-ed columns for the NY Times seemed like a bad idea. But I really enjoyed reading his first effort about the new year and Frank Sinatra. The advice is probably a little trite but you can’t say that Bono doesn’t have a way with words…the piece is more poetry or lyric than prose.

I think about this now, in this new year. The Big Bang of pop music telling me it’s all about the moment, a fresh canvas and never overworking the paint. I wonder what he would have thought of the time it’s taken me and my bandmates to finish albums, he with his famous impatience for directors, producers — anyone, really — fussing about. I’m sure he’s right. Fully inhabiting the moment during that tiny dot of time after you’ve pressed “record” is what makes it eternal. If, like Frank, you sing it like you’ll never sing it again. If, like Frank, you sing it like you never have before.

(thx, mau)

Songsmith, meet David Lee Roth

Songsmith is a piece of software by Microsoft Research that automatically creates a musical accompaniment to a singer’s voice. (The intro video is priceless.) A MetaFilter member took David Lee Roth’s vocal track from Runnin’ With The Devil and put it through Songsmith…the results are pretty great. (thx, shay)

Heavy metal band name chart

According to this extensive chart, names of heavy metal bands fit into five main categories: death, deadly things, animals, religion, and badass misspellings. (thx, janelle)