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Investing is risky?

From a Washington Post article about, Google’s philanthropic effort:

Shareholder activists said Google’s charitable commitment raises questions about whether this is an appropriate use of company cash or whether company founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page ought to make donations to their favorite causes personally. The foundation of Bill Gates, the founder and chairman of Microsoft Corp. and the nation’s richest person according to Forbes, gave away more than a billion dollars last year to fight poverty, hunger and disease around the world. But Gates donates through a personal foundation, rather than through Microsoft itself.

“The board of directors should make it clear to the company’s founders what should be personal and what should be corporate,” said Patrick S. McGurn, special counsel to Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. “Google is spending shareholders’ money, and it raises questions if there is not a valid corporate purpose.”

Shareholder activists? You’ve got to be kidding me. You’d think that stock shareholders are a bunch of babies that need their noses wiped and hands held to go potty or something. If you don’t want to support Google’s philanthropic efforts and think that they’re throwing your money away by doing so, there’s an easy way to opt out: DON’T BUY GOOGLE STOCK. It’s a free country and open market…vote with your money on what you think is a “valid corporate purpose”. There are thousands of other companies to invest in that are doing other things, many of which operate exactly the same…nice and safe and by the book. The information on what these companies are doing with their shareholders’ money is freely available…get informed about what you’re buying. Given their P/E ratio, unique corporate approach, and incredible rate of growth, Google might just be the riskiest large-cap stock opportunity out there, but the potential upside (as well as the downside) is a lot greater than all of those companies playing it safe. As long as it’s stated (and I believe Google certainly has made their views very clear), risk isn’t something from which shareholders should be warned away.