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What’s In the Box? (The Olympics Medalists’ Box)

I haven’t watched too much of the Olympics this summer so maybe the announcers explain this every single time they show a medals ceremony, but in case you didn’t know, the long, thin boxes given to the medalists along with their medals contain the official poster of the Games (and a plushie).

illustration of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games

The poster was created by illustrator Ugo Gattoni and is a sort of Where’s Waldo / Busy Busy Town representation of the Games and its venues.

The designer had total creative freedom. While working to a brief and respecting the look of the Games, he still managed to maintain his own playful and joyful style.

This is why eight mascots are hidden within the posters. In fact, whatever age you are, there is something within the artwork that you will be able to enjoy.

The biggest images of the poster I can find are here if you want to zoom in to see the details. There are also zoomed-in images and videos on Gattoni’s Instagram.

The Olympic poster is the twin of the poster for the Paralympic Games, also created by Gattoni:

illustration of the 2024 Summer Paralympic Games

Together, they create one unified view of the 2024 Summer Games.

If you’d like to buy your own version of the poster, check out the official Olympics store.

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