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Tycho’s Burning Man Sunrise Set for 2024

If you’re in the market for a chill work mix, Tycho has uploaded his annual Burning Man Sunrise Set for 2024 to Soundcloud.

See also Tycho’s BM sets from 2023, 2022, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014. Oh, and he’s got a new album out as well: Infinite Health.

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More Tycho From Burning Man

I am a fan of Tycho’s sunrise DJ sets at Burning Man (here’s 2023’s set), so I was pleased to discover he played a second, shorter DJ set that’s now up on Soundcloud.

Tycho’s Burning Man Sunrise Set for 2023

Every year at Burning Man (pandemic years aside), Tycho does a ~2hr DJ set around sunrise and then releases it on Soundcloud โ€” here’s the 2023 version.

I’ve been listening to this for the past week and while I don’t like it quite as much as the sets from previous years, it’s definitely something to add to the rotation of chill work music.

See Tycho’s BM sets from 2022, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014. Pretty much the only reason I’d ever want to go to Burning Man (esp after this year) is to catch this set in person sometime.

Tycho’s Red Rocks DJ Set

Tycho, who you might remember from his annual Burning Man sunrise sets, recently released his first DJ set in two years: a 1.5-hour session at Red Rocks from July.

Tycho ยท Red Rocks DJ Set 2021

Tycho’s 2019 Burning Man DJ Set

For the past 6 years, Tycho has done a 2-hour DJ set at Burning Man to coincide with the sunrise. He’s just posted 2019’s installment and I’m going to be listening to this all week long.

Check out his past installments as well: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014. (thx, scott)

Tycho’s 2018 Burning Man DJ Set

Tycho just shared his sunrise DJ set from this year’s Burning Man.

This is going to be on repeat today and for the rest of the week. You can also check out his sets from 2017, 2016, 2015, and 2014.

Tycho DJ set from Dec 2017

Tycho is one of my favorite electronic artists and he recently did this 90-minute DJ set at the SnowGlobe music festival that’s currently powering me through some lazy Sunday chores and work.

See also his most recent Burning Man DJ set. Oh, and he’s also got some sets coming up in Boston, NYC, Houston, and DC.

Tycho’s 2017 Burning Man DJ set

Every year at Burning Man, Tycho does a 2-hour DJ set coinciding with the sunrise. Here’s 2017’s installment. You can also go back and listen to sunrise sets from 2016, 2015, and 2014. There, now your whole day is chill.

Epoch, a new album from Tycho

A cool brace from Tycho this week. First was the chill Burning Man set and now a brand-new album called Epoch. My Friday is allllll set.

Tycho’s 2016 Burning Man DJ set

An unexpected gift from Tycho this morning; he just uploaded this year’s installment of his annual Burning Man sunrise set. Check out the sets from last year and 2014 as well.

Two-hour DJ set from Tycho

I have really been digging this Burning Man sunrise DJ set from Tycho. (via @arainert)

Even more Awake

Com Truise remix of Tycho’s Awake? Yes please.

Now get Kygo to remix the remix and we’ll have the perfect sleepy beats trifecta.

Tycho mix

I cannot remember who sent me this Fader mix by Tycho, but I’ve been enjoying it greatly. Thanks!