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Classic Sesame Street video clip on how crayons are made.

Classic Sesame Street video clip on how crayons are made.

Great extensive list of old Sesame Street

Great extensive list of old Sesame Street videos that you can watch on YouTube. Oh, the nostalgia. (Rubber duckie!!!)

Old 70s song about the subway from

Old 70s song about the subway from Sesame Street. This went totally over my head as a kid, but as a NYC resident, it’s awesome. On the subway. Subway!

Some changes coming to Sesame Street

Some changes coming to Sesame Street. “After destroying several garbage cans due to rage issues, Oscar receives a more modern plastic garbage container. Sadly though, the new receptacle has an air-tight lock designed to keep a newly homeless Ernie out. Oscar suffocates and the neighbourhood must now figure out how to properly mourn someone they didn’t really like.”

Great list of favorite memories from Sesame Street

Great list of favorite memories from Sesame Street. I’d completely forgotten about the noo-ne-noo-ne-noo typewriter. I’m gonna be humming that all day now.