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What would Gawker look like if it

What would Gawker look like if it got bought by the NY Times? (via waxy and panop)

A just-concluded eGullet conversation with Ruth Reichl,

A just-concluded eGullet conversation with Ruth Reichl, currently editor-in-chief of Gourmet magazine and former food critic for The New York Times.

The NY Times Magazine has launched The

The NY Times Magazine has launched The Funny Pages, their comics+ section. PDFs of the comics are available online…here’s the first Chris Ware strip. They’re also podcasting and the first episode is an interview with Ware by John Hodgman, assisted by organist and radio-man Jonathan Coulton.

New feature in the NY Times magazine:

New feature in the NY Times magazine: comics! First up, a six-month-long strip by Chris Ware, on whom I have a non-sexual crush.

As if Metafilter wasn’t blue enough, Matt

As if Metafilter wasn’t blue enough, Matt Haughey officially joins the liberal media conspiracy with his first piece in the NY Times. Matt, why do you and your gadgets hate freedom?

Fantasy Fashion League is fashion’s answer to

Fantasy Fashion League is fashion’s answer to fantasy football and rotisserie baseball. Pick your favorite designers and earn points when their fashions show up in magazines. (via E&N) Related: NY Times ombudsman Daniel Okrent helped invent rotisserie baseball?

Couple fires their nanny because they were

Couple fires their nanny because they were uncomfortable about her blog and then write about it in the NY Times. And the nanny fires back on her blog.

Some good thoughts from Paul Ford on

Some good thoughts from Paul Ford on the recent announcement from the NY Times about their TimesSelect offering. “The web should serve the needs of its users, not the needs of a few hundred advertisers. If that ends up costing money, so be it; this medium is not inherently free.”

John Battelle has some interesting thoughts on

John Battelle has some interesting thoughts on the NYTimes’ move to charge for some of its content. “The Times stated reason for doing this is to diversify its revenue mix, and I buy that logic. It’s scary to be totally leveraged over advertising.”

Internal NY Times report recommends the creation

Internal NY Times report recommends the creation of a NY Times blog.