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Walter Miller’s Home page

Classic Geocities site: Walter Miller’s Home page. Suck featured the site back in Jan 1996 when it was on Prodigy. According to Ready Steadman Go, Suck co-founder Carl Steadman was rumored to be behind Miller’s site. Ready Steadman Go was run by Ben and Mena Trott, who also formed a little company called Six Apart which makes the software on which runs.

Anyway, Walter’s Home page will soon be gone. Looks like Cartoon Girls I Wanna Nail has already been banished to the land of wind and ghosts. Oh, and whatever happened to Carl? Plastic is still going but is he still at the helm? (via waxy)

Update: Geocities is now dead, and Walter Miller’s Home page with it. Here’s an archived version. (thx, tim)

RIP, Geocities

Yahoo is closing Geocities “later this year”. Yahoo bought the service in 1999 for $3.57 billion.

Cartoon girls I wanna nail

A list of Cartoon Girls I Wanna Nail. And it’s on Geocities, no less…I had no idea that was still around and operational. Maybe this is the only page left, the end result of Yahoo’s $3.6 billion investment.

Update: The site above is currently down. Fun fact: I first linked to this almost 9 years ago. (thx, everyone)

Update: Geocities is gone but Reocities archived the Cartoon Girls I Wanna Nail page. Our shared cultural heritage is safe.