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New Square Feature Allows Customers To Tip With Bible Quote. “We have also heard our customers and are working to provide Christian cross and praying-hands emojis as well.”

Comments  6

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Rebecca Nelson

Yup, you had me until I looked at the URL. No one does it better than the Onion. Outside of old Simpsons episodes, anyway.

Jason Kottke reposted

used to valet for a hotel here at the plaza in KC; guy hands me and several other guys some bills, thank him, obv not going to count the cash in front of him, walk back into the coat room and it’s like a $1 million dollar bill with Jesus in the portrait 😐

Lisa S.

I had friends in high school in the '80s who bagged groceries at the commissary, and they'd always have stories about the one or two older women who'd come through, drop $400 on groceries for the month, have them all bagged and taken to the car, and then would hand them a Bible pamphlet as tip...this is so spot on.

Nelson Minar

I'd encourage you to think twice about posting parody stories to your RSS feed without marking. This post in Feedly has absolutely no indication it's not a real story.

Lisa S.

FWIW, I kind of like the "is it real or is it the Onion" game. :) I usually get it right, but this one almost threw me.

Jason KottkeMOD

The best way to read is by going to the website. 🤷‍♂️

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