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McRib Sauce Ice Cream

No one.

Absolutely no one.

Not one single person.


According to Food & Wine, McDonald’s will be selling half gallon jugs of McRib sauce alongside the annual limited release of the McRib sandwich.

The sauce goes on sale November 25th at 10AM and I will surely forget to buy some then, but if I don’t, I’ll make Jason some McRib sauce ice cream in December. We’ve already made pickle and Frank’s Red Hot ice cream so why not.

a half-gallon jug of McDonald's McRib sauce

Comments  20

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Jason KottkeMOD Edited

I'm just saying, you'd have lines around the block for McRib ice cream. Instagram stunt foods don't get much better than this.

Aaron CohenMOD


Aaron Pikcilingis

I, for one, am in.

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Meg Hourihan

Is that Silkscreen in the "A WHOLE LOTTA" across the top?!?!

Jason KottkeMOD

Not quite, but there's a resemblance.

Aaron CohenMOD

Definitely thought you would come in talking about ice cream here, Meg, but I guess fonts checks out, too.

Meg Hourihan

I can see how you'd assume that Aaron, but with so many comentable threads yesterday, I had to prioritize. Plus I'm a hard-serve gal through and through. And a scoop of hard-serve McRib is about the most disgusting thing I can imagine!

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Caroline G.

Not sure if you do soft serve, but McRib magic shell dip would be pretty amazing.

Aaron CohenMOD

We don't but omg

Jason KottkeMOD

I suggested a dip to Aaron and he ignored me.

Jason KottkeMOD

Also, an ice cream sandwich with cornbread. McRib choco taco?

Caroline G.

Maybe he had to hear the idea twice to understand how brilliant it is

Aaron CohenMOD

I offered cornbread ice cream swirled with mcrib ice cream. What more do you need.

Caroline G.

Cornbread ice cream swirled with bacon ice cream with McRib sauce.

Matthew Battles

Filet O'Fish Ice Cream Sandwich!

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Tom Moore

This is the content I come here for. Thank you for it.

Jay C

You know, I was thinking about how bad German Chocolate Cake is because I read that post before I got to this one, and this post has really got me worked up. Jason's probably right that this would do great as an Instagram stunt or whatever but it's not worth your soul.

Mike Riley

The mystery meat McRib patties are to McRib sauce as French Fries are to ketchup, none are great apart, but together they achieve perfection!

I love McRibs... The bun is perfect, the onions are perfect, absolutely dripping with sauce.... all perfect

Jason KottkeMOD

I just remembered this post on McRibonomics from 2011:

The theory that the McRib's elusiveness is a direct result of the vagaries of the cash price for hog meat in the States is simple: in this thinking, the product is only introduced when pork prices are low enough to ensure McDonald's can turn a profit on the product.

Matthew Battles

This theory haunts me.

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