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Baby Evacuation Aprons

a woman wearing a baby evacuation apron with three fake babies in it going down some fire escape stairs

Today I learned about evacuation aprons, which places like maternity wards use to rescue infants and toddlers in case of emergency or fire. Or as this labor & delivery nurse on Threads put it:

…the goal is to grab your vest and just stuff as many babies as humanly possible in its giant kangaroo pockets before running out the door.

This particular company sells a few different models, like this apron for newborns and this one for larger infants and toddlers that can carry a total weight of 60 lbs. All the aprons are fire-resistant.

There is also something called the Med Sled, which can carry up to 6 infants at a time.

a medical carrier with spaces for carrying six babies at once

Comments  2

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Jason KottkeMOD

This reminds me of the special saddles worn by donkey nannies carrying newborn lambs down from the highlands to the plains.

Ryan Skinner

I read that as “Mad Sled”, and then realized my error and still think my name’s better.

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