Kindle 2 from Amazon
Amazon announces the second version of the Kindle, their e-ink reading device. The price is $359.
Order Kindle now to RESERVE YOUR PLACE IN LINE. We prioritize orders on a first come, first served basis. If you have previously placed an order for Kindle 1, and have not yet received it, your order will automatically be upgraded to Kindle 2. You need to do nothing.
Also, those who own the original version of the Kindle will be given priority for ordering. The device itself is slimmer, has text-to-speech, better e-ink display, more storage (~1500 books), and doesn’t look like a Pontiac Aztek anymore. From the NY Times coverage of the announcement:
Mr. Bezos concludes with some high-level thinking: “Our vision is every book, ever printed, in any language , all available in less than 60 seconds.
Which makes Bezos’ aim pretty clear: Amazon : Apple :: Kindle/ : iPod/iTunes Store :: Bezos : Jobs.
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