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America’s Stone Age Explorers

Watched America’s Stone Age Explorers on PBS this evening, a summary of recent findings about who the first Americans were, where they came from, and when they arrived. Recent genetic and archeological evidence suggests they arrived earlier than generally accepted and may have originated from Europe rather than Asia.

Iron Age metrosexuals

Recently discovered human remains suggest that metrosexuals lived in Iron Age Ireland. One man’s fingernails were manicured and his hands indicated he’d never done manual labor while the other wore hair gel imported from France and Spain. No word on if they wore their shirts tucked or untucked.

Asian migration

Some scientists say evidence suggests that early humans might have first appeared in Asia, not Africa.

Sunken forest of Nantucket

Scientists have found evidence of a sunken forest off the coast of Nantucket, Massachusetts. (thx, malatron)

Bosnian pyramid

An oddly shaped hill in Bosnia is a 10,000 year old pyramid, says Bosnian archeologist Semir Osmanagic.

The pyramid is 100 metres high and there is evidence that it contains rooms and a monumental causeway… The plateau is built of stone blocks, which indicates the presence at the time of a highly developed civilisation.

Who invented noodles?

4000 year-old pot of noodles found in China, settling (for now) the “hotly contested” question of who invented the noodle.

Further discovery of Homo floresiensis bones

Further discovery of Homo floresiensis bones have strengthened researchers’ argument that the so-called Hobbit is a new and distinct human species. More on Flores man at Nature, which is doing a weekly podcast now.

Google Maps archaeology

Local man uses Google Maps to find the undiscovered remains of a Roman villa near his town in Italy.

Evolution shocker!

Evolution shocker! The discovery of a dinosaur footprint on the wall of a contemporary Brooklyn school proves that the earth is less than 6000 years old (and, perhaps, that dinosaurs could walk vertically). No word on the Flying Spaghetti Monster’s involvement.

Robot Lucy

Robotics research suggests that Lucy walked upright like humans. Lucy, discovered in 1974 in Ethiopia, is a 3.2 million year old Australopithecus afarensis skeleton.

40,000 year-old human footprints

40,000 year-old human footprints found in Mexico. Humans are thought to have come to the Americas only 11,000 years ago.

Humans’ worst mistake

Jared Diamond calls agriculture “the worst mistake in the history of the human race”. “With the advent of agriculture [the] elite became better off, but most people became worse off”.

Old seed grows new tree

2000 year old seed grows a previously extinct Judean date tree. It’s like a plant version of Jurassic Park.

Banksy relics

Banksy strikes again, placing a stone relic with a cave drawing of a shopping cart on it into the British Museum.