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BBC News: “Blogs respond to London blasts”

BBC News: “Blogs respond to London blasts”.

Nate at Project Nothing is keeping up

Nate at Project Nothing is keeping up with news on the London bombing, including reactions from the Brit blogosphere.

A Wikipedia page about the London bombing

A Wikipedia page about the London bombing is already being filled out.

The Guardian’s NewsBlog has pretty good coverage

The Guardian’s NewsBlog has pretty good coverage of the London bombing. “Four explosions are confirmed. One on a tube train between Aldgate and Liverpool Street, one on a bus, one in the tube at King’s Cross, another at Edgware Road.”

Eyewitness photo on Flickr of London tube bombing

Eyewitness photo on Flickr of London tube bombing.

Looks like Londonist is on top of

Looks like Londonist is on top of the bombing story as it develops.

A series of explosions in London this

A series of explosions in London this morning during rush hour; at least 2 dead and 160 wounded. The explosions were coordinated and officials have shut down the tube and central bus service.

London wins right to host 2012 Olympic Games

London wins right to host 2012 Olympic Games.

Quick sketch of London tube traffic patterns

Quick sketch of London tube traffic patterns. The spider that ate London.

Google Maps launches in the UK with

Google Maps launches in the UK with London Tube stations right on the map. Google, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please do the same for the NYC subway. Please?

Tufte on the London Tube map

Tufte on the London Tube map.