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Lego Stephen Hawking

Lego Stephen Hawking

More at Brickshelf (link no longer works).

Steve Zissou and friends, done with Legos.

Steve Zissou and friends, done with Legos.

A pair of Lego skyscrapers (made from 250,000

A pair of Lego skyscrapers (made from 250,000 pieces and inhabited by 1000 Lego people) are on display at the Storefront for Art and Architecture in NYC through November 24. Dennis Crowley’s got some pictures and a short movie. Details include a wee Banksy piece on the side of the building and tiny iPod ads. Here’s a timelapse video of the construction. (thx, dens)

Lego reproductions of some well-known photos.

Lego reproductions of some well-known photos.

Update: Another set from a different person, this time representing well-known paintings. (thx, derek)

Van Gogh’s Starry Night done in Lego

Van Gogh’s Starry Night done in Lego. (via photojojo)

This guy has made a three dimensional

This guy has made a three dimensional timeline of the plot of Fight Club out of Legos. Kinda hard to explain…just go take a look. (thx, christopher)

Various ways to kill yourself using Legos. (thx, sharelle)

Various ways to kill yourself using Legos. (thx, sharelle)

What the hell? Almost 500 pounds of Legos

What the hell? Almost 500 pounds of Legos up for auction on eBay. “This is my collection for the past 25 years, it’s time to go.” Bid stands at ~$6800. (thx, karl)

I’ve got a short piece in the

I’ve got a short piece in the second issue of Make magazine about Mark Simonson’s Lego film scanner. This is my first bit of paid writing ever.

Lego version of Han Solo frozen in carbonite

Lego version of Han Solo frozen in carbonite.