Kevin Kelly’s 50 Years of Travel Tips
Kevin Kelly is the biggest traveller I know and he recently shared some of the advice he’s learned over his 50+ years on the road. Here are a few of my favorites:
If you hire a driver, or use a taxi, offer to pay the driver to take you to visit their mother. They will ordinarily jump at the chance.
Crash a wedding. You are not a nuisance; you are the celebrity guest!
When visiting a foreign city for the first time, take a street food tour.
Co-sign on the food tour. I’ve been doing this for the past few years and it’s such a good way to orient yourself in a new place.
The most significant criteria to use when selecting travel companions is: do they complain or not, even when complaints are justified? No complaining! Complaints are for the debriefing afterwards when travel is over.
Sketchy travel plans and travel to sketchy places are ok. Take a chance. If things fall apart, your vacation has just turned into an adventure. Perfection is for watches. Trips should be imperfect. There are no stories if nothing goes amiss.
It is always colder at night than you think it should be, especially in the tropics. Pack a layer no matter what.
I packed a warm layer for my recent trip to Mexico and was shocked that I didn’t need it for the whole 10 days I was there.
The hard-to-accept truth is that it is far better to spend more time in a few places than a little time in a bunch of places.
To book a train anywhere in the world outside your home country, your first stop should be The Man in Seat 61, a sprawling website which will conveniently help you book the train you want.
If you are starting out and have seen little of the world, you can double the time you spend traveling by heading to the places it is cheapest to travel. If you stay at the budget end, you can travel twice as long for half price.
When asking someone for a restaurant recommendation, don’t ask them where is a good place you should eat; ask them where they eat. Where did they eat the last time they ate out?
Kelly also breaks travel down into two modes: retreat or engage, which reminds me of this recent interview with Rick Steves.
Comments 8
"The hard-to-accept truth is that it is far better to spend more time in a few places than a little time in a bunch of places."
Still trying to remind myself of this. I know it for me, but when I travel with my spouse and kid, who haven't seen what I have, we still try to pack in too much.
Oof. I agree with much of this but this very much reads as advice by a straight-presenting white man to other straight-presenting white men. There are a lot of 'tips' in here that are outright dangerous for women, especially women of color. (Ex.,I'm not having any driver take me to a second location (like what he says is his mom's house).)
Also none of it applies to people who have kids. (Mototaxis...not a thing when you have a family to move around.) And it comes from a position of privilege where you have friends in every place you travel to show you around.
I'm a woman and I travel this way. I'd be delighted to meet a driver's mom. A random taxi, no, but a driver you're spending hours or days with is a different story.
I totally agree. Crash a wedding? are you kidding? It takes a certain amount of unexamined privilege to simply assume you'll be the guest of honor at someone else's expensive party. gross.
Yes, not all of this advice is for everyone, it's a 50 item list! But as a single dad who takes his very young children to rural parts of Mexico and Central America, nearly all of this advice is useful for me... but not Mototaxis. More importantly, the themes in the advice are useful to everyone who travels: look for opportunities to engage with locals, be flexible, depth over breath, and put yourself out there, even if it feels vulnerable.
file this under d⭕minant hegemony gotta d⭕minant hegemony :-)
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