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The Best Table Tennis Points Of 2024

I did not think I was going to watch this whole video when I started but I totally did. Some absolutely incredible shots & rallies in here. (thx, dunstan)

Comments  6

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Paolo Palombo

Unbelievable. I particularly liked the shots behind their back.

Jan Wedekind Edited

Amazing and highly underrated sport! Fun fact: the second point is two brothers playing each other, the French Alexis and Felix Lebrun. Playing on home turf in Montpellier no less, which is why the crowd went bonkers. I actually was there :)


Makes tennis look like slo-mo.


Spectacular. I can only watch a third of this before I'm too stressed out.

Allister Banks

4:52, the faux-wind-up to NOT smash it. *Tok*

Bill Amstutz

Before he faked with his right, he switched the racquet into his left hand to hit the ball. ๐Ÿคฏ

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