Asteroids vs Space Invaders! Scans of Early 80s Gaming Magazines.
The Video Game History Foundation has launched a digital library of documents, magazines, and transcripts related to video games that’s free for everyone to access. Some of you might be interested in the collection of materials related to the development and promotion of games created by Cyan (Myst, Riven, etc.) but I went straight for the library of video game magazines. The earliest issue I could find was this issue of Electronic Games from 1981.
Ha, I bet you had forgotten that George Plimpton was a spokesman for Intellivision. (Quick sidebar here because I can’t resist this odd fact: Plimpton was one of a group of people, which also included former NFL star Rosey Grier & Olympic gold medalist Rafer Johnson, who apprehended and disarmed Sirhan Sirhan after Sirhan shot Robert F. Kennedy.)
That same issue of Electronic Games from 1981 contains this interesting nugget of news about how long McDonald’s has been thinking about replacing their cashiers with computers:
Will McDonalds be the first fast-food chain to hop on the electronic gaming bandwagon in a big way? The hamburger king has approached Atari about the possibility of designing a computerized video monitor. The device would take the meal order and then help the customer pass the wait pleasantly by playing a videogame. One potential hitch: What happens if a player is on a hot streak when the Big Mac, fries and soft drink show up?
Anyway, I definitely lost more than a few hours to this. You can check out the full digital library and watch this video for more information about what’s in it. (via the verge)
Comments 6
You could tell me almost anything about George Plimpton and I'd probably believe it.
As a photographers assistant during college, I once played Sonic in a print ad. It's definitely in the EG archive.
Yes, I had to hold that CRT TV infant of my face. This would have been Photoshop 1 era at best. I'm guessing the game screen was real and maybe the character faces were done in post, most likely not digitally. Definitely shot on film at sunset. Beautiful Scottsdale Arizona.
This reminded me that I recently saw Martin Amis's 1982 collection of video game reviews, Invasion of the Space Invaders, at a local used bookstore.
My relationship with my Uncle, previously someone I barely interacted with, increased tremendously when he got an Intellivision specifically to play baseball. It was magical.
As good a time as any to share Coulton’s A Talk With George.
Well, there goes my afternoon.
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