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How Ernest Wright Makes Scissors

Ernest Wright has been making scissors in Sheffield, England since 1902. This video takes a look at how they make one of the their most sought after models.

In this episode of Sheffield Makes we visit Ernest Wright to follow the production of the Kutrite kitchen scissor, a complex design that’s woven into Ernest Wright history.

The Kutrite pattern of flat kitchen scissors was designed by Philip Wright in the early sixties and produced till the eighties. After an absence of decades, the Kutrite model is proudly being produced in Sheffield once again.

I first featured Ernest Wright on more than 10 years ago:

A person who makes scissors by hand is called a putter, short for putter togetherer. The Putter is a four-minute silent film by Shaun Bloodworth that shows putter Cliff Denton making scissors.

I have a pair of their Turton kitchen scissors and they are great and will last pretty much forever.

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Meghan Lowe

I got a pair of the Turton scissors thanks to you, and I can vouch for the fact that they’re brilliant!

William Gunter

Me too! I use them everyday.

Ben Carelock

As a real sucker for fine cutting implements, this thread will cost me money.

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I've been on the waiting list since June 2023. I cannot wait to get and use these scissors, uh, someday?

Paul Jacobs

Hi Moira,

I hope you're doing well!

It seems that Meghan was talking about the Turton scissors, and I believe you're interested in the Kutrite. Could you please provide your ticket number for the Kutrite? This way, I can check where you are on the list and give you an update.

Thank you, and I look forward to assisting you!

Best regards, Paul

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Meghan Lowe

How odd! I ordered mine in May 2024 and received them that same week. Hopefully you get yours soon!


I got the immediate confirmation of my paid reservation and then never got a notification that my number came up to order. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Jason Kottke reposted

@jburka @kottke I have the tailor's shears and they are joy every time I use them. So good to support the making of such a beautiful useful thing.

Matt Maggard

I remember the original post and have had a bookmark for them ever since. This must be a sign to finally make a purchase!


I think I first heard of Ernest Wright from Jason's post 10 years ago. When we got married, my partner and I had already been living together for some years, so we didn't need the kind of household basics that our friends and relatives wanted to provide. Instead we asked them to just give us the money, with the idea that we would spend it on high quality items that would last a lifetime (or several). A pair of Ernest Wright scissors were at the top of that list, and after being so happy with the Turton, we decided to get a pair of Kutrite scissors too, as soon as they became available again. They arrived this September, about 16 months after buying the reservation ticket, and we're really happy to finally have them (and in any case, one can never have too many pairs of good scissors).

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