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The New Comfort Movie Canon: The 10 Best Feel-Good Films of the Last 10 Years. Includes Flow (which I watched the other day and is brilliant), The French Dispatch, Little Women, and Logan Lucky.

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CW Moss

I adore Gerwig's Little Women. I think I've watched it a thousand times.

I recently listened to the OnWriting podcast with her where she talks about writing it and why she felt it could use update.

I found it all interesting, but the part where Greta (spoiler warning) talked about the burning of Jo's pages, first by her sister and then later by herself. I'd never realized how those connected.

If I were to add one to the list, it would be Fran Liebowitz's Pretend It's a City. It's not a film but short series about Fran's thoughts on life and the city. It's a great thing to enjoy fully or while folding laundry. It's on Netflix.


Sometimes I put Pretend It's a City on just for background noise. It's like having Fran in my home just opining about random stuff, and what could be better than that?

Mary Wallace

Yes, Pretend It's a City is great. My husband doesn't generally like Fran, but he was drawn into this series.

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Stephanie A-H

As a native central West Virginian may I say that the accents in Logan Lucky are SPOT ON? Super fun movie either way but I'll always give it props for whoever was hired to be their dialect coach.

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