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Downhill Skateboarding

On these downhill skateboarding things, I’m always wondering why there aren’t any cars, but uh, there are cars in this one. Josh Neuman skateboarding down a mountain road while cars come up makes me real nervous! He almost skates into a barrier at 2:07, and towards the end there’s a biker riding up the hill going very slow showing how steep this is. I don’t know. It’s too fast I think. Love to see someone as good at their job as this guy.

Discussion  2 comments


Sad that he passed away two years ago in a sight seeing plane crash in Iceland of all things. Highly suggest donating to the foundation that his parents set up.

Jason KottkeMOD

Neuman died in a plane crash in 2022.

In February of 2022, he travelled to Iceland for the 3rd time in one year just to experience the Northern Lights, which he had failed to do on the previous 2 trips. He finally got the see them, and actually called us that night, just glowing that this was the best night of his life. That is the last time we heard from him. Unfortunately, two days later, his sightseeing plane, with 3 others on board, crashed in Lake Pingvallavatn, and there were no survivors.


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