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Danny MacAskill Rides the Adidas HQ

Trials rider Danny MacAskill finally got the chance to ride the angularly futuristic Adidas campus in Herzogenaurach, Germany.

The first time I got the invite to campus I immediately started riding the place in my mind. Riding all the rooftops, riding all the railings, you know, it’s a really interesting space. Not just anyone can go there! As soon as you see that kind of big overhanging piece of architecture or whatever, you immediately imagine the different things you could do up there. So, it was cool to finally get to come here to actually do it.

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Yen Ha

Shout out to the architecture firm! Behnisch Architekten

Todd Vanyo

Still waiting for the video of him riding through an IKEA with his partner without either being exasperated it is taking so long or getting into an argument.

Tra H Edited

10 seconds into this clip he just floats onto the roof of the bike garage and I don't think there is anything I do in my life that looks that effortless. It obviously took his whole life to get this good but it's amazing he also looks that good doing it. This put a huge smile on my face, thanks.

Matt S

It's totally worth watching an outtake video, MacAskill is up there with Jackie Chan on commitment to getting it right.

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