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10,946: a Year-Long Post-It Note Animation

10,946 is a mesmerizing stop-motion film by Daren Jannace composed of drawings on Post-It notes. He created 30 drawings a day for an entire year and then animated them: “Set at 30 frames a second, each second represents 1 day.” The animation is accompanied by audio Jannace recorded on his phone during the year.

If you watch the whole thing, you get to experience what a year feels like if days were shrunk down into seconds. (via colossal)

Comments  4

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Rob Stephenson

I love everything about this. The deceptively simple drawings, the soundtrack, the dedication. Thanks for sharing!


seriously. impressive.

Betsy Streeter

Reminds me of a project I did once that was 21 animations in 21 days -


Very cool. I've enjoyed the videos you've posted this week—Musical Trains, Time Warp Candy Factory, and this one. They are all very old-school internet interesting, and I love them. Thanks for finding and posting!

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