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Pony Boys

two young boys riding in a pony cart

two young boys riding in a pony cart

Pony Boys is a delightful short documentary about two boys (aged 9 & 11) who traveled from a Boston suburb to the 1967 World’s Fair in Montreal by pony cart.

In the short documentary above, the “pony boys,” Tony and Jeff Whittemore, recount that as youngsters, they were unaware of the controversial questions the trip raises. What constitutes responsible parenting? Did their parents do something dangerous, or was it a brilliant parenting move that taught lifelong lessons? What they recall is a life-changing adventure made possible by a free-spirited mother who believed they could do it.

You can watch Pony Boys here and check out more about their journey here, including press clippings, letters the boys & their parents received, and photos. And VPR has an interview with the filmmaker, Eric Stange. (thx, meg)

Discussion  1 comment

Caroline G. Edited

Reminds me of an episode of Heavyweight about four preteen kids who rode their bikes 250 miles—by themselves, over 3 days—to visit an uncle. One of my favorite episodes from one of my favorite podcasts.

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