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Every Frame a Painting: What Would Billy Wilder Do?

Billy Wilder (Sunset Boulevard, The Apartment, Some Like It Hot) was both a great director and a great writer. In this video essay, Taylor Ramos & Tony Zhou examine how Wilder balanced the verbal, dramatic, and situational ironies of his scripts with making it all work on the screen, emotionally and structurally.

Discussion  4 comments

Esther Wu

They're back?! Very exciting

Jason KottkeMOD

Oh yeah, they posted their first new video back in August. If you support them on Patreon, you get to watch the videos a few days early.

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" Wilder balanced the verbal, dramatic, and situational ironies of his scripts with making it all work on the screen, emotionally and structurally."
I thought that that's how the medium works, that that's what filmmakers are supposed to do.

Colter Mccorkindale Edited

If you were to ask Wilder, he would say it's, "What would Ernst Lubitsch do?"

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