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Ooh, a preview clip from season three of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. I like this crew. Season three premieres sometime in 2025 and, huzzah!, has been renewed for a 4th season.

Discussion  4 comments

Tom Robertson

It’s just so nice to go back to story of the week Star Trek (with some overarching plot elements progressing a bit each week.)

I’ve just become so burned out on Game of Thrones style TV shows and I think it really dragged down my enjoyment of all of the new Trek shows except for this and Lower Decks.


I am 100% here for non-huge story arc, episodic Trek with a little bit of character development. Also Pike’s 100% static hair has downsized-Janeway vibes, which is nice.

Tom Robertson

Pike is such a great character and so well played. And I think that’s a similarity shared with Janeway as well. Rewatching Voyager, I think Mulgrew’s performance is really underrated. They both just give off cool, caring parent vibes to their crews.

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Rob Pennoyer

That clip *ruled*.

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