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This is Cabel Sasser’s XOXO talk. Best not to know anything going into it…just watch all the way to the end. “Don’t waste this. Keep everyone guessing. Make me proud.”

Discussion  11 comments

Joel Jambon

Gosh, this was fantastic. Even got me choked up at the end.

Karen E.

Me too

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Andy Baio

That quote is a callback to Cabel’s XOXO 2013 talk, which is also one of my favorites and worth watching as a companion to this one.

Caroline G.

holy moly, that triptych!

Karen E.

Holy, indeed

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So good! Also: McDonald's interior decorators using . . . wrought iron style fences!


wow amazing, thank you for posting. This must have been spectacular irl


Wow that was amazing especially forgetting through the roller coaster that the end had a payoff!

Joe Holmes

Wow. What a climax.

Ryan N

I adore this talk. I've watched it four times in the last few days.

Lacey V

This was great. As a person with a more subdued (non-ADHD? Lol) style of giving presentations or talks, I aspire to this level of energy and self footnotes/diversions - it’s such a good story

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