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Twin Peaks Actually Explained (in a four-hour video). “Lynch’s obsession with electricity and fire is essential to the theory” presented in the video.

Discussion  2 comments

Pete Ashton

Ooh, I remember enjoying this at the time (one of those "ok, I'll watch a bit" and then four hours have passed). Even if a lot of his conclusions are dubious the act of pondering them is worthwhile. Also of note is Maggie Mae Fish's rejoiner:

Jack Orenstein

Explanations of David Lynch's art miss the point by their very existence, in nearly all cases. (Mulholland Drive is an exception, where there actually is some plot and structure, but it's easy to miss on first viewing.)

I started reading the Mark Frost book on the background and plot details of Twin Peaks and wow, was that uninteresting. And it added nothing to my enjoyment of the series.

Eraserhead, Twin Peaks, Inland Empire (OK, that's a hard slog), certainly Rabbits, are there to be experienced, felt. Experience dread and the weird, unsettling logic of nightmares. Endure the boredom. Enjoy the music, and what it adds to the atmosphere (especially Julee Cruse's vocals for Twin Peaks). Acknowledge the safe and visible world's coexistence with the dangerous and hidden one (Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, Twin Peaks).

Don't worry so much about the story lines.

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