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Big Hockey Players, Itty-Bitty Rink

For his 2012-13 piece The Obstruction of Action by the Existence of Form, artist R. Eric McMaster built a hockey rink less than 1/10th the size of a regulation rink and had two full hockey teams play what has to be the most frustrating game of hockey ever. This is definitely a metaphor for something but I don’t quite know what.

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Margaret M.

The inclusion of the ref somehow makes it.

Lorem Ipsum

But why is there only one referee? I would like to see two refs, like in a real game. Two refs would be better - to cover the whole rink.

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Matthew Battles

The sound is weird—unsettling. Every time I began to be convinced it had been processed to render it unintelligible, a comprehensible word or phrase would wander out.

Jason F Edited

Ha, that’s great. There’s a quarter-sized practice rink crammed into a back room of the arena I play at, it’s mostly for 1:1 lessons but we’ve done group sessions on it that definitely feel pretty close to this. The tiny zamboni they have for it is pretty fun.

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