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Vivian Maier: Unseen Work

The first major US retrospective of Vivian Maier’s photography is currently on display at Fotografiska New York through Sept 29. Maier was a street photographer whose work was discovered in 2007 and is now recognized “alongside the greatest masters of the twentieth century”.

black & white photo of a woman looking to the right in front of a building

black & white photo of two girls playing on the street in front of a car

black & white self portrait of Vivian Maier reflected in a store window

two black & white photos of a man and a child sittng on a bench with a balloon

photo of three people on a street corner, all wearing the color yellow

You can see much more of Maier’s work on this website of her work.

Comments  4

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I made it to this exhibit in early August and recommend it! She was amazing with light, a great portraitist, and so good at capturing everyday moments.

The exhibit does a great job showing some of her process as well with contact sheets displayed in each gallery section showing variations on how subjects were framed.

Chris Glass

It's also a beautiful building and this will be the last exhibit as they move to a larger space that has not been determined.

Paul D.

Would love to see this. The documentary on her was fascinating. Fun fact: Phil Donahue hired her as a nanny for a short time in Chicago. RIP Phil.

Crystal Mangahas

I was not familiar with her work, but wow! I wish l lived close enough to make it to the exhibit.

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