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Hand Drawn: Children’s Shoes, Given Away

drawings of children's shoes, ordered into six rows

This is lovely: illustrator & cartoonist Stephen Collins drew the progression of shoes worn by each of his three kids.

Back in 2020 we had to chuck the kids’ baby shoes out 😱, so I decided to keep the first ones and draw the rest, in order, starting with pre-walking socks.

When I look at photos of my kids from when they were younger, my eye is always drawn to their shoes and clothes — some of them are so iconic in my mind they almost function as logos for my kids at different stages.

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David Clark

I can definitely relate to jason’s comment about iconic and it reminded me of this:
Both daughters played soccer from an early age. Their mother and I separated when they were still in elementary school, so I (happily) spent my every-other-weekends driving around to soccer games. And tournaments. And pizza parties. Etc.
When my daughters were in middle school they moved with their mother to a town about 10 hours away by car, so i only saw them holidays and summer.
About a year after they left I was in a fast food restaurant and saw two young girls on their soccer uniforms; spontaneously burst into tears.

Danielle NH

Oh, this comment! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ When my kids come home from school I am going to give them an extra squeeze. We can't keep them small or with us forever.

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