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NASA Used Futura All Over the Apollo 11 Mission

a map of landing zones fro the Apollo 11 mission

a portion of an Apollo 11 spacesuit with two pockets labeled 'jackscrew'

a plaque left by Apollo 11 astronauts on the moon that reads, in part, 'we came in peace for all mankind'

Futura, the typeface favored by the likes of filmmakers Stanley Kubrick and Wes Anderson was also used extensively for NASA’s Apollo 11 mission (along with an American knock-off of Futura called Spartan).

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Bert Vanderveen Edited

This is mostly likely not Futura, but a US-made ‘remake’ called International, if I remember correctly. Copyright + typefacedesign = difficult relationship.
International has a less refined appearance than the original — never mind the fact that the later versions of Futura differ a lot from the proto-version by Paul Renner (who supervised and worked on those later versions, so no Qualms there…).

Add: I don’t think it is Spartan.

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