Diary Comics, June 17 & 19
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Comments 6
Being excited & happy about getting dental work done is not foolish! I've had bad/weird teeth for much of my life (genetics 🙃) and it had such a negative effect on my outgoingness, confidence, and even how I smiled (mouth closed, always). I don't even talk about it with people because it was so painful to deal with, esp as a shy kid with low social self-esteem. The change when I finally was able to get them fixed many years ago was transformational. So I'm right there with you, Edith! Something to celebrate!
Thanks, Jason. Teeth and acne, man!!!!
It’s funny, I was so excited to tell my friends; I was so proud of myself for facing something I’d put off for more than 10 years and that was affecting my confidence (browning patches of missing enamel on my front teeth) that it weirdly stung when they were like “oh I never noticed that!” Like, are you lying? Or did I really have my head up my butt this whole time, and this was a silly thing to be so preoccupied with?? Even though I know they were just being nice! And probably honest!
Anyway yes. Teeth. Feel like part of my soul somehow. Right there with you.
Something truly hilarious about (thinking you are) ordering one sparkly beaded ice skating dress and receiving five in the mail.
Just dropping in to say how great these comics are and what a delightful addition they’ve been to Kottke. If these were collected in a book that book would end up gifted many times by me.
I so appreciate this. Thank you, Tom!
Second this. There is a beautiful juxtaposition of joy, doubt and fun in your work that make each comic so rich and affirming. Thank you for sharing them.
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