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Building Lego Machines to Destroy Tall Lego Towers

Brick Technology’s new video features increasingly powerful Lego machines designed to topple ever stronger towers. I love their iterative engineering videos (and those from Brick Experiment Channel). As I’ve written about these videos before:

They’re not even really about Lego…that’s just the playful hook to get you through the door. They’re really about science and engineering โ€” trial and error, repeated failure, iteration, small gains, switching tactics when confronted with dead ends, how innovation can result in significant advantages. Of course, none of this is unique to engineering; these are all factors in any creative endeavor โ€” painting, sports, photography, writing, programming. But the real magic here is seeing it all happen in just a few minutes.

I am uncomfortably close to buying some Technic and Mindstorms to dork around with my own little machines. (via waxy)

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