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Bubble Wrap Impressionist Paintings

Bradley Hart creates pointillist paintings by painstakingly injecting acrylic paint into the individual bubbles in bubble wrap. The paint leaks out of the bubbles and onto a canvas backing, which also becomes part of the creative output (which he calls the “impression”). Here’s Hart’s version of Picasso’s Le Rêve, bubble wrap and impression:

A pair of artworks after Picasso's Le Rêve

And here’s Georges Seurat’s A Sunday on La Grande Jatte:

a bubble wrap version of Georges Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte

And the impression:

an impression of the bubble wrap version of Georges Seurat's A Sunday on La Grande Jatte

From Hart’s artist’s statement:

The bare bubbles in the bubble wrap reference dots or pixels, echoing various movements in art history and other media, including pointillism, screen-printing, TVs and LCD monitors. In today’s world people do not print their pictures for an album. Their albums are on Facebook, Flickr and Instagram, all exotic rote, yet combinations of 1’s and 0’s. The process of injecting paint into bubble wrap directly references pixilation (and those 1’s and 0’s) and at the same time harkens back to the time of family portrait painting, when a family’s personal “photo” album consisted of paintings hanging on its walls.

It’s such a genius idea to use the backing canvas as a separate artwork — I love that. (via clive thompson)

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