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The Fruitluck

I’m really interested in fruit, especially ones I’ve never tried, and I’ve loved following Florida Fruit Geek, aka Craig Hepworth, on Instagram, where he posts photos and info about the unusual fruits he grows (in Gainesville). Hepworth recently hosted a “fruitluck,” where gatherers shared…

…half a dozen varieties of loquat, four kinds of mulberry, carambola/starfruit, sweet oranges, Seville oranges, grapefruit, jackfruit, guava, grapes, apples, sweet tamarind, dried jujube, strawberries, blueberries, Mysore bananas, Rajapuri bananas, Cavendish bananas, green coconuts, homegrown pineapple, dried carambola, tangerine, dried sweet cherries, pomelo and more.

I’d love to have a fruitluck! Maybe I need to make a trip to Florida.

Comments  3

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so cool. og blogger maggie mason made a goal to eat 1000 fruits and her little mini reviews are great. i cant find one link with them all, but some are on instagram and some on her blog.

also im always tempted by these boxes from miami fruit but always get scared and don't order ... something overwhelming about ordering a box of things that you have no idea what they'll taste like ... fruit fear

Lauren Ouellette

I didn't realize "unusual fruits" was a whole genre, but I'm here for it! has a bunch of interesting fruit tasting videos.

Crystal Mangahas

Loquat was the answer to a jeopardy clue recently and none of the players recognized it / knew of it.

Thanks for the additional links and shares. So much fun to investigate!

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