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Size XXXS, Miniature Sweaters

Oh my gosh — this video about making the teeny-tiny sweaters seen in the movie Coraline! Says artist Althea Crome:

I think knitters are often fascinated by the fact that I use such tiny needles. Some of the needles are almost the dimension of a human hair.

Sublimely absurd, perfection. More info in Reactor. [Thanks, Tobias!]

And here’s another pic, grabbed from Crome’s website:


I don’t know about you, but this makes me want to drop everything and disappear into the process of knitting a microscopic sweater for the next six months. Like her Starry Night one.

Actually, the Starry Night sweater should just be its whole own post:


“I love the paradox of creating an object that takes the form of something you can wear,” Crome writes, “yet is impossible to wear.”

(Her work is also for sale.)

Comments  6

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Mary Wallace

This is great. I knit miniature sweaters and a wee black beatnik beret for the cake topper at our wedding. Used toothpicks, so nowhere near as fine as this. It was fun and I remember feeling proud that I had the skill set to make them without a pattern.

Edith ZimmermanMOD

That cake sounds legendary!

Jo Ma Edited

Tiny sweaters!

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Jo Ma

Edith (and everyone else!) if you happen to visit Seattle I highly recommend the Laika exhibit at MoPop. Now thru August.

Edith ZimmermanMOD

This looks so cool. Thank you!

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Louise Hornor

This is off-the-charts skill! I hope you do try to knit something teensy to share with us.

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