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Just a Beautiful Drawing of Bluebells

By the artist Skevoulla Gordon. (Prints are available, too, and she’s a good follow on Instagram!)

Discussion  5 comments

Jay Langford

Thanks for sharing this, Edith. It is a really beautiful drawing.

Edith ZimmermanMOD

Isn’t it great? Glad you like it.

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this is my shit. good post.

Paul Pomeroy

Just subscribed today ... so apologies for the late reply to this. Thank you for posting this. I was so impressed by this piece that I bought a print of it. I'm wondering if you've yet to see Rosanna Tasker's illustrations (she's also on Instagram). She's another UK artist (and someone else I've brought some prints from).

Edith ZimmermanMOD

Paul, I’m so glad to hear this! Isn’t it beautiful? Also thank you for taking the time to write this comment.

I hadn’t heard of Rosanna Tasker, but I just looked her up, and now I love her stuff, too! Thank you for the tip!

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