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Stories on Sex, God, Marriage, and Older-Motherhood

Here are a few stories I enjoyed this past weekend:

  • David Marchese interviewing Marilynne Robinson about God, among other things, in the New York Times. (Although she whiffed on his “What do you do that’s bad” question, IMO! “How do you get into trouble?” Marchese asks. “Do you steal ketchup packets?” Her answer: “I procrastinate like crazy.” Boo; come on, Marilynne! Something juicier!)

  • Laura Barton in The Guardian: “At 45, I grieved the idea of motherhood. Then, by pure fluke, I was pregnant.”

  • Dorothy Fortenberry reviewing Molly Roden Winter’s polyamory memoir, in Commonweal: “I was genuinely shocked when I read the book, not by how graphic it is, but by how sad.”

  • And Becca Rothfeld on sex, transformation, and David Cronenberg, in The New Yorker (excerpted from her forthcoming book): “Not only is it impossible for us to know whether an encounter will be deflating or transformative, but we cannot know what sort of metamorphosis will ensue if the sex is as jarring as we can only hope it will be.” (!)

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