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Music Interlude: Johnny Cash and Linda Ronstadt, “I Never Will Marry”

A recently resurfaced 2019 New Yorker story on Linda Ronstadt reminded me of this captivating video from her 1969 appearance on the Johnny Cash Show. Her 1977 version of the song, with Dolly Parton, is also great.

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Maxwell Shron

Heads up, the homepage URL gives a video about Everest, though the video when you click through is the correct one.

Maxwell Shron

(Never mind, seems to have been fixed!)

James Risley

I think this is a YouTube/caching thing. I've noticed on a few bloggy sites in recent weeks that the wrong video is showing up, often a video from the last time I loaded the page and that is now lower down in the page. A reload always seems to fix it.

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David Sours

I remember seeing a DVD of performances from Johnny's show, and it had some reminiscences by various people. I can't remember whether it was June herself telling this story or someone else, but apparently when Linda showed up onstage for rehearsal, June was sitting in the front row. Linda's dress was very short with nothing underneath and June got an eyeful. She said "That girl doesn’t have any bloomers on! She can’t sing with my Johnny like that!"

Edith ZimmermanMOD

Lol. I love that

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