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Brian Eno’s Glowing Turntable

Brian Eno holding his glowing turntable in a dark room

a turntable glowing in a dark room

Electronic music pioneer Brian Eno has designed a glowing turntable that shifts colors as plays records.

Brian Eno’s Turntable II is made up of a platter and base, which change colours independently, seamlessly phasing through combinations of generative ‘colourscapes’. The pattern of lights, the speed at which they change and how they change are programmed, but programmed to change randomly and slowly. It plays both 33 and 45rpm vinyl.

Only 150 will be sold and they’re £20,000 so hopefully you’ll see one in a museum someday. (via kevin kelly)

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Terence Fox

The colors, endless mutation, and concentric circles reminded me that Brian Eno designed a generative music app called Bloom in the veerrryyy early days of the iPhone that I remember enjoying quite a bit.

Ben Kelley

I saw Eno in Utrecht in October. What an amazing show. The light was perfect… it fit exactly with Brian’s music and the Baltic Sea Orchestra.

Can’t find much video from the tour in a cursory search, but here’s one clip.

Now I’ll have to go see if I can find $30k somewhere in the couch cushions. Not in this one, not in the other… oh well.

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