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Harry Clarke’s Illustrations

Every so often on Instagram I come across Harry Clarke’s stringy, spooky illustrations for the 1919 Edgar Allan Poe collection Tales of Mystery & Imagination (above left) or the 1925 version of Goethe’s Faust. Poking around led me to this 2016 story in the Public Domain Review: “Harry Clarke’s Looking Glass.” As I learned, he once wrote to a friend that his publisher thought a set of his Faust illustrations were “full of stench and steaming horrors.”

50watts has more great images, and here’s a zoomable version of the “Sea Witch” (above right) from his illustrations for Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid.”

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Jeremy Keith

If you ever find yourself in Cork city in Ireland, be sure to pop into the Crawford art gallery to see some magnificent Harry Clarke stained glass windows.

Edith ZimmermanMOD

A reason to go!

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