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Please Welcome the Snarkmarket Gang

a mocked-up ID for a fictional company called Googlezon

Hello everyone, I’ve got a bit of a treat for you. Tomorrow (Nov 3) marks the 20th anniversary of Snarkmarket, a quietly influential group blog that featured the writing of Tim Carmody, Matt Thompson, Robin Sloan, and a few other contributors. There hasn’t been much activity over there for several years, but it was a must-read for me back in the day (with a lively comments section) โ€” you may remember the EPIC video that Robin and Matt made (oh, seeing that old design brings back memories!) or Robin’s evergreen classic on stock & flow.

Anyway, tomorrow Matt, Robin, and Tim are taking over to celebrate their anniversary, reminisce about the Good Old Days, and perhaps opine a bit about how people relating to each other online has changed in the 20 years since the formation of the Snarkmatrix. Comments will be on and they’ll be in there mixing it up with you.

So then: I hereby declare November 3, 2023 Snarkmarket Day on Bake it away, toys!

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Tim CarmodyMOD




Rex Sorgatz

oh heck yeah

Matt Thompson


Patrick T


This thread is closed for new comments & replies. Thanks to everyone for participating!