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Why Rappers Stopped Writing

These days, instead of writing down lyrics and bringing them to the studio to record, many rappers are using the improvisational “punch-in method” to craft songs during the recording session.

Is this good for the music? The jury is out, even within hip-hop. But in this behind-the-scenes video โ€” the latest entry in our Diary of a Song series, which documents how popular music is created โ€” we track the generational shift through exclusive studio footage of young rappers like Doechii, Veeze and Lil Gotit, plus interviews with genre veterans including the artist Killer Mike and the producer Just Blaze, to track this creative shift and its effects on the still-experimental genre of hip-hop, 50 years after its birth.

Interesting technique, but there is definitely some music in that video that is not for me.


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