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Winners of This Year’s World Nature Photography Awards

a bunch of bright yellow mushrooms on a log

a mud-caked crocodile head peeks out of muddy water

the Milky Way stretches above snowy mountains

a snow leopard walks on a snowy mountaintop

The winners and runners-up of the 2022 World Nature Photography Awards have been announced. An amazing collection of photos as usual โ€” I’ve included some of my favorites above. From top to bottom, photos by Mr. Endy, Jens Cullmann, Jake Mosher, and Sascha Fonseca. Fonseca had this to say about his incredible photo of the snow leopard above:

A beautiful snow leopard triggers my camera trap high up in the Indian Himalayas. I captured this image during a 3-year DSLR camera trap project in the Ladakh region in northern India. The mystery surrounding the snow leopard always fascinated me. They are some of the most difficult large cats to photograph in the wild. Not only because of their incredible stealth, but also because of the remote environment they live in.